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  Issue #1 a Big Success

  Well I must say that the first issue went over with a bang. Throughout the
  first few weeks, the number of Email messages I received was enourmouse.
  User Groups, Developers, Companies and Individuals from all over the world
  sent me mail expressing thanks and wishing us luck in this much needed

  FIDOnet File Requests

  Thanks to the kind hearts who run some of our world wide ISVnewstands, if
  your BBS has FIDOnet access you can FREQ the ISVnews each and every month 
  to save you those long distance charges. Refer to the new section called
  "FIDO FILE REQUEST" under the Newstands Menu for more information and
  node id's.

  To all of you who wrote, we thank you. We hope that the ISVnews and it's
  upcoming spinoff remain a part of your Clipper Reference Library

  Mark Lussier                                        Mike Coticchio
  AppVision Software                                  ISVnews Assoc. Editor
  ISVnews Publisher

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